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    Your Beautiful Darkness

    The following quote inspired my poem:

    Your Beautiful Darkness

    To those I love
    I see your darkness
    I see your shadow
    You have shown it to me a thousand times
    Even when you didn’t know you were showing it
    Even when you thought you were hiding it
    No matter what
    I still see
    Your unhealed wounds
    Your night sweat fears
    Your darkest dreams
    Your unmet needs
    Your hardest struggles
    I see yours
    Because I know my own darkness
    I know my own shadow
    Your darkness does not frighten me
    And your shadow does not negate your light
    That which you try to hide does not push me away
    It connects us
    Your precious flaws
    Just make you more real
    Love is
    A continuous revelation of our deepest selves
    Of our truest selves
    Of our most wounded selves
    Of our highest selves
    To those I love
    My arms are always open

                           - Clint Piatelli

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